I would like to think that I am an expert on studying so I thought a “How To” on this would be helpful. Nonetheless, here are some of my best tips and suggestions for succeeding in your studies.
1. Make studying a top priority. This doesn’t mean you have to lose your social life or stop having fun, but sometimes you need to compromise. On a Friday night when I want to go to a party but have an exam to study for, I do both. I will study for a couple of hours and THEN go to the party. I think setting priorities and then enjoying yourself after you get your work done is the best mindset to have while in University.
2. Use your planner and write the dates of your tests ONE WEEK before they happen. It is best to start studying for an important test a week prior rather than cramming a few days before. You will retain the information better and will be less stressed before you write it.
3. Don’t be around any distractions. I usually put my phone and laptop in another room because I think everyone is guilty of checking their phone for five minutes which ends up turning into thirty. Do yourself a favour and keep it out of sight, therefore it will be out of mind.
4. Take breaks. Everyone needs to take a break at some point. I usually like to take a break after each hour of studying. I find taking a break to exercise or go for a walk really relieves any stress and relaxes my mind.
5. Have designated study areas. I like to have two areas I can go to study that are quiet and distraction free. It’s nice to have more than one area to study because your butt will get tired of sitting in the same spot for hours.
6. Don’t study with your friends. Let’s be real - no studying ever happens when you are with your friends.
7. Develop your own study methods and techniques. I like to write out notes on information I know the least, make cue cards, highlight important sections in my textbooks and have neatly organized notes to review. If you find you are more of an auditory learner then it might be helpful to record your notes on your phone and listen to them.
8. Don’t stay up all night cramming. Yes it is best to study right before you sleep because you will retain the information better, but it is not smart to stay up all night and not get any sleep. This will most likely affect your performance on a test/exam. That is why it is better to start studying as early as possible to avoid cramming and then you can get a good night’s sleep.
9. Don’t study in your room. It is easy to get too comfy and doze off. Also, since studying is often associated with stress, if you study in your bed, then that too may become associated with stress. And no one wants to feel stressed when they go to bed.
10. Don’t procrastinate. Just think, the sooner you hit the books, the sooner you can close them.
11. Reward yourself for a solid study session. Go hang out with your friends, or go do something fun. You deserve to enjoy yourself after working hard.
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