Thursday, 18 September 2014

My humanitarian mission - more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

Monkey Love

 Before I discuss this picture, I would just like to clarify that these monkeys are totally hugging and that is all. This is my favorite picture I have ever taken. I in no way claim to be a great photographer but feel this image could belong in National Geographic or some other type of nature magazine. I shot this photo last January in Dominican Republic while on a Hero Holiday. (For those who are unaware of what Hero Holidays are, they are humanitarian missions to help build homes for families living in extreme poverty.) It was the first day of 2014, and while on my Hero Holiday our group of volunteers went on an excursion to the “Monkey Jungle Adventure”. Being an animal lover, I was certainly in paradise and did not want to leave. The monkeys jumped all over us and we had a chance to feed and hold them. It was by far one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. I was so proud of this picture, that I set it as the background on all of my devices… No shame.

Peace from Dominican

This second photo is also from my Hero Holiday. I was amazed at how well the children were able to communicate with us considering the obvious language barrier, but also our cultural differences. All of the children in the community of Arroyo Seco, where we were helping construct houses, looked at us as though we were real heroes, and constantly wanted to get pictures with us. I feel bad for not learning this little guy’s name, but he was so cute. Even while living in a completely different environment, speaking a foreign language, and growing up in a different culture, this picture goes to show that the symbol of peace is the same all over the world. This picture means a lot to me because it signifies just that. My experience in Dominican, especially with the children, was the most incredible experience of my life. So much so, that I am embarking on another Hero Holiday this Christmas to Mexico! I can only hope I will have the opportunity to meet more cool kids like this one. He was my homie.


  1. You are hilarious! I really liked the photo of the moneys "hugging". I agree that the photo looks professional. Your trip sounds like a lot of fun. I also went on a volunteer trip last year with charities Me to We and Free the Children. I really enjoyed my trip, and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yours too.

  2. Nice photos, and yeah, sure, those monkeys are just hugging! Really, though, sounds like a worthwhile trip and good for you for working with charitable organizations.
